Thursday, January 5, 2012

In 2011, I

1) Touched the ground in 11 countries: not including airports/layerovers/visa crossings, 8. 2) Read 44 books, 40 since June. 3) Ran about 1032 miles, for a not particularly good average of 19.8 per week (40% of the total came in April, November and December). 4) Laughed, taught, lost my cool, messed around with, fell off desks, fell asleep, saw growth happen, got praised, praised, got humbled, at/with/in front of/for/by students. 5) went with the flow, became debris in the river. 6) at major points, changed course, or jumped out of the water. 7) chased a water bottle through a waterfall, emerged with leeches on my feet. 8)Schemed and dreamed on subways and planes and country roads at night. 9) broke two ipods, two kindles and a cell phone. 10) Saw my life weighed, and it came to about 75 pounds in two backpacks and a duffel bag as I left D.C. 7 months ago.

I'm returning for an interview with the Foreign Service in two weeks. D.C. Crew and Dan and Madeleine and Faiza, I will see you soon! I miss you. I just got back from running, and will grandma shuffle to the water refilling station, drink a baht worth, shuffle back, shower and eat, apply to jobs, and be in bed at 10, sleep 9 hours, wake to roosters.